
I'm Hafiz Farhad. I live in Pakistan, where I do security.

I am a self-driven, career-oriented cyber security researcher, programmer, and ctf player. Currently, I'm in my junior year at FAST National University pursuing a bachelor's degree in cyber security.

I try to document everything I learn and build so that I can reflect upon my journey (and maybe inspire fellow cyber security researchers). You can read my blog here .

If you want to get in touch with me about something or just to say hi, reach out on social media or send me an email .

What do I do on a daily basis?

I spend most of my time doing research, writing reports, and playing CTF (during weekends) on CTFtime .

3 boys smiling with a prize
Me and my teamates (25th April 2024)

We participated in the DevDay'24 (Intra-FAST) CTF competition. It was a Jeopardy-style CTF that lasted 3 hours and 30 minutes. In the end, we emerged as the official winners.

If you ever see me around and want to chat about security, don’t hesitate—hit me up! The coffee’s on me.


Tools, technologies and gadgets I use on a daily basis but not limited to.




  • githubGitHub - Version control/hosting service
  • vercelVercel: Hosting and Database
