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Ignite National Technology Fund CTF 2024 Writeup

Published: at 09:12 AMSuggest Changes

Disclaimer: I am constantly working on this write-up. It’s not complete yet.

This was the first time we played a national level ctf hackathon. We ranked 132 out of 800 teams. We managed to solve mobile, crypto, and forensics challenges. But in the competition we also had other categories like web, pwn, rev, and programming too - that we couldn’t solve for this time.

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In mobile category we had only one challenge.

Challenge: drive

Description: N/A

Hint: N/A

File: Download from here.

In this challenge we were given a drive.apk file. So, I decompiled it using apktool.

apktool  d  drive.apk
# d for decompile

Once a decompilation is complete. we get the directory named same as your .apk file. In my case it was drive. Now, I tried to find the flag in decoded directory. Because, sometimes the flag is hidden in smali named files. So I used grep -r "flag{" . in every directory inside the main decoded directory (drive) but couldn’t find anything usefull.

For those who don’t know what does grep -r "flag{" . command does. Basically, grep is used in terminal to search something in the file. And -r flag emphasizes that search "flag{" recursively. While . shows that search this in current directory. We can read this whole command as: search flag{ in the all files of current directory.

After visiting every directory thoroughly I came across this assets directory.

In the assets directory I found logins.db.

Then, I went on sqlite-viewer and pasted the logins.db file there.

From there I got username and password.



Now install drive.apk on phone using adb.

But before this, I have to connect my phone with my laptop via USB cable and make sure to on USB Debugging in the settings.

In case you don’t find USB Debugging option. Go to your phone settings and find My phone then look for Build number and tap Build number 7 times.

adb  install  drive.apk

Once installed.

Open your terminal again. And then type the following commands.

adb  shell  pm  list  packages | grep  drive
# output:

adb  shell  monkey  -p -c  android.intent.category.LAUNCHER  1
# make sure you enter the right package name after -p flag, in my case it is:

Check your phone. Enter username and password. Hit enter.

Now analyze logs.

# copy all logs into logs.txt 
adb  logcat > logs.txt

And finally, use grep and grab your flag.

grep  -r  "flag{"  logs.txt



Challenge: hacked

Description: N/A

Hint: N/A

File: Download from here.


Challenge: darwin

Description: N/A

Hint: N/A

File: Download from here.


Challenge: RSA times 3

Description: N/A

Hint: N/A

File: Download from here

from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
from sympy import integer_nthroot
from Crypto.Util.number import inverse

n = 137060753414266683727124300324533746859808277718802905258966514238130013561771565432798522407445375580008287762039889622965223715570127912095543787383890490878653583833806193555635802190898083759784122260224483898448068630835118301042504840367699583013087370054046159036176795298499691242545588406127708875721
e = 65537
ct = 113410845629188957579227371352869457004301051925915582875304029548349853590142019644282959494824757862324472848045006078465186534737949478859176545110319069769588896457960089078974657211588549197997169318707867343186155514525345219037171326096909347753386433621856501518247340346769688145254670108829593288701

# Factor n (p = sqrt(n))
p, is_exact = integer_nthroot(n, 2)
assert is_exact  

phi_n = p * (p - 1)

d = inverse(e, phi_n)

# Decrypt the ciphertext after 3 rounds of encryption
# We need to perform modular exponentiation with d three times.
original_ct = pow(ct, d, n)
original_ct = pow(original_ct, d, n)
original_ct = pow(original_ct, d, n)

flag = long_to_bytes(original_ct)

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